Meet the Northern DJ Trivia Nevada Team!

DJ Trivia Nevada wouldn’t be what it is without our fabulous hosts who make up the DJ Trivia Nevada Team! We have a variety of personalities on our team so while you may end up having a favorite (or two) we’re confident that you can enjoy a fun game of DJ Trivia at any of our locations!
Some of our hosts have been students and some are parents. Others work “traditional” jobs during the day and host in the evening. Several were players first who later became a host. Some of them were just born to be a game show host and found their way to the DJ Trivia Nevada team.
Every three months we all meet together for training, updates and team bonding. Sometimes the owners host these meetings in their home. Other times they might meet at one of their venue partners, or at a park for a BBQ. Last fall we all went to Reno Axe and had a great time!

DJ Trivia Nevada Team member John says this about hosting:
“For me, hosting is just as fun as playing. I really enjoy talking to the players and venue staff about the questions and the music clues. No game is ever the same and it’s always a fun night!”
Learn more about the owners – Vickie & Craig are in Northern Nevada and Hannah & Jon are in Southern Nevada. Meet more hosts by visiting different games. Find a game near you!